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108 lines
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# Hardware settings for Teclast F5 10" Laptop
# NixOS @ sda2
# flake.nix
# └─ ./hosts
# └─ ./laptop
# └─ hardware-configuration.nix *
# Do not modify this file! It was generated by ‘nixos-generate-config’
# and may be overwritten by future invocations. Please make changes
# to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix instead.
{ config, lib, pkgs, modulesPath, ... }:
imports =
[ (modulesPath + "/profiles/qemu-guest.nix")
boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "ata_piix" "virtio_pci" "virtio_scsi" "xhci_pci" "sr_mod" "virtio_blk" ];
boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ "vfio_pci" "vfio" "vfio_iommu_type1" ];
boot.kernelModules = [ ];
boot.extraModulePackages = [ ];
boot.tmp.useTmpfs = false;
boot.tmp.cleanOnBoot = true;
zramSwap.enable = true;
services.btrfs.autoScrub = {
enable = true;
interval = "monthly";
fileSystems = [
fileSystems."/" =
{ device = "/dev/disk/by-label/NIXROOT";
fsType = "btrfs";
options = [ "compress=zstd,space_cache=v2,ssd,noatime,subvol=@,discard=async" ];
fileSystems."/home" =
{ device = "/dev/disk/by-label/NIXROOT";
fsType = "btrfs";
options = [ "compress=zstd,space_cache=v2,ssd,noatime,subvol=@home,discard=async" ];
fileSystems."/srv" =
{ device = "/dev/disk/by-label/NIXROOT";
fsType = "btrfs";
options = [ "compress=zstd,space_cache=v2,ssd,noatime,subvol=@srv,discard=async" ];
fileSystems."/var" =
{ device = "/dev/disk/by-label/NIXROOT";
fsType = "btrfs";
options = [ "compress=zstd,space_cache=v2,ssd,noatime,subvol=@var,discard=async" ];
fileSystems."/nix" =
{ device = "/dev/disk/by-label/NIXROOT";
fsType = "btrfs";
options = [ "compress=zstd,space_cache=v2,ssd,noatime,subvol=@nix,discard=async" ];
fileSystems."/swap" =
{ device = "/dev/disk/by-label/NIXROOT";
fsType = "btrfs";
options = [ "compress=zstd,space_cache=v2,ssd,noatime,subvol=@swap,discard=async" ];
swapDevices = [ ];
networking = {
useDHCP = false; # Deprecated
hostName = "kabtopci";
domain = "ci.kabtop.de";
networkmanager = {
enable = false;
interfaces = {
ens3 = {
useDHCP = false; # For versatility sake, manually edit IP on nm-applet.
ipv4.addresses = [ {
address = "";
prefixLength = 24;
} ];
ipv6.addresses = [ {
address = "2a00:6800:3:d5b::2";
prefixLength = 64;
} ];
defaultGateway = "";
defaultGateway6 = {
address = "2a00:6800:3::1";
interface = "ens18";
nameservers = [ "" "2620:fe::fe" ];
firewall = {
enable = true;
allowedUDPPorts = [ ];
allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];