#  Specific system configuration settings for desktop
#  flake.nix
#   ├─ ./hosts
#   │   └─ ./laptop
#   │        ├─ default.nix *
#   │        └─ hardware-configuration.nix       
#   └─ ./modules
#       ├─ ./desktop
#       │   └─ ./hyprland
#       │       └─ hyprland.nix
#       ├─ ./modules
#       │   └─ ./programs
#       │       └─ waybar.nix
#       └─ ./hardware
#           └─ default.nix

{ config, pkgs, user, agenix, impermanence, ... }:

  imports =                                                         # For now, if applying to other system, swap files
    [(import ./hardware-configuration.nix)] ++                      # Current system hardware config @ /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix
    [(import ../../modules/wm/virtualisation/docker.nix)] ++   # Docker
    [(import ../../modules/wm/virtualisation/kvm-amd.nix)] ++  # kvm module options
    (import ../../modules/services/server);                     # Server Services

  boot = {                                  # Boot options
    kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest;

    loader = {                              # EFI Boot
    grub = {
        enable = true;
        device = "/dev/sda";
      timeout = 1;                          # Grub auto select time

  environment = {
    etc = {
      "fail2ban/filter.d/open-webui.conf" = {
        source = ../../modules/services/server/fail2ban/filter/open-webui.conf;
        mode = "0444";
      "fail2ban/filter.d/gitea.conf" = {
        source = ../../modules/services/server/fail2ban/filter/gitea.conf;
        mode = "0444";
      "fail2ban/filter.d/nextcloud.conf" = {
        source = ../../modules/services/server/fail2ban/filter/nextcloud.conf;
        mode = "0444";

  programs = {                              # No xbacklight, this is the alterantive
    zsh.enable = true;
    ssh.startAgent = false;
    gnupg.agent = {
      enable = true;
      enableSSHSupport = true;
      pinentryPackage = pkgs.pinentry-curses;

  services = {
    #auto-cpufreq.enable = true;
    qemuGuest.enable = true;
    #avahi = {                               # Needed to find wireless printer
    #  enable = true;
    #  nssmdns = true;
    #  publish = {                           # Needed for detecting the scanner
    #    enable = true;
    #    addresses = true;
    #    userServices = true;
    #  };
    fail2ban = {
        enable = true;
        maxretry = 5;
        jails.DEFAULT.settings = {
           findtime = "15m";
        jails = {
            open-webui = ''
              enabled = true
              filter = open-webui
              backend = systemd
              action = iptables-allports
            gitea = ''
              enabled = true
              filter = gitea
              backend = systemd
              action = iptables-allports
            nextcloud = ''
              backend = auto
              enabled = true
              filter = nextcloud
              logpath = /var/lib/nextcloud/data/nextcloud.log
              action = iptables-allports

