# # General Home-manager configuration # # flake.nix # ├─ ./hosts # │ └─ home.nix * # └─ ./modules # ├─ ./editors # │ └─ default.nix # ├─ ./programs # │ └─ default.nix # ├─ ./services # │ └─ default.nix # └─ ./shell # └─ default.nix # { config, lib, pkgs, user, ... }: { imports = # Home Manager Modules (import ../modules/editors) ++ (import ../modules/programs) ++ (import ../modules/programs/configs) ++ (import ../modules/services) ++ (import ../modules/shell); home = { username = "${user}"; homeDirectory = "/home/${user}"; packages = with pkgs; [ # Terminal btop # Resource Manager pfetch # Minimal fetch ranger # File Manager gnupg # sign and authorize 2nd Fac xdg-utils steam # dev tools gcc gnumake gnupatch gnulib yubioath-flutter nitrokey-app tailscale wireguard-tools # Video/Audio mpv # Media Player youtube-dl # Apps galculator tdesktop hdparm python3Full android-tools calibre mtpfs vimiv-qt #freecad # File Management #okular # PDF viewer #gnome.file-roller # Archive Manager pcmanfm # File Manager rsync # Syncer $ rsync -r dir1/ dir2/ unzip # Zip files unrar # Rar files papirus-icon-theme # General configuration keepassxc libreoffice # Flatpak super-slicer-latest #vscodium (vscode-with-extensions.override { vscode = vscodium; vscodeExtensions = with vscode-extensions; [ vscodevim.vim github.copilot ms-python.python ms-vscode.cpptools dracula-theme.theme-dracula catppuccin.catppuccin-vsc catppuccin.catppuccin-vsc-icons ]; }) ]; file.".config/wall".source = ../modules/themes/wall.jpg; file.".config/lockwall".source = ../modules/themes/lockwall.jpg; pointerCursor = { # This will set cursor systemwide so applications can not choose their own name = "Dracula-cursors"; package = pkgs.dracula-theme; size = 16; gtk.enable = true; }; stateVersion = "22.05"; }; programs = { home-manager.enable = true; }; gtk = { # Theming enable = true; theme = { name = "Dracula"; package = pkgs.dracula-theme; }; iconTheme = { name = "Papirus-Dark"; package = pkgs.papirus-icon-theme; }; font = { name = "FiraCode Nerd Font"; # or FiraCode Nerd Font Mono Medium }; # Cursor is declared under home.pointerCursor }; systemd.user.services.mpris-proxy = { Unit.Description = "Mpris proxy"; Unit.After = [ "network.target" "sound.target" ]; Service.ExecStart = "${pkgs.bluez}/bin/mpris-proxy"; Install.WantedBy = [ "default.target" ]; }; }