# nixos-config # ## Install ## ### Patitioning ### - Easiest is to run [disko](https://git.kabtop.de/Kabbone/nixos-config/raw/branch/main/disko/README.md) - `Classic way:` Partition disk with gdisk: 1. EFI Partition, size 512M, type "EF00", Label "NIXBOOT" 2. Root Partition, size 100%, type "8300", Label "NIXROOT" ### Installing ### 1. mount all the partitions and subvolumes to /mnt 2. generate initial nixos config ```# nixos-generate-config --root /mnt``` 3. clone flake and check config ``` # cd /mnt/etc/nixos/ # git clone https://git.kabtop.de/Kabbone/nixos-config.git ``` 4. install system ```# nixos-install --flake .#``` 5. reboot